Monday, November 24, 2008

the Welder's fashion




Yeah, these are a tadbit old (from the beginning of the month) but still fun. Dan came in to check the time or when the next meal was still decked out in his fashionable welding gear :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Veteran's Day weekend

Dan had a long weekend and with Grandma H. here to entertain the girls, he was able to spend quite abit of time with his project car. Most of it was spent sand blasting to remove rust so that he could begin welding on the driver's side. He was able to get one key piece up, not without a lot of frustration due to generic cutting and other issues. I didn't get pictures--sorry.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Plasma Cutter

So Dan rented a plasma cutter and made lots of progress cutting out rusted metal parts that he will be replacing. I neglected to take pictures this weekend while he was working and then the silly machine stopped working. He returned it this morning and the button was worn out. When they get a replacement button installed, they will call him so that he can do some more work.

Meanwhile, he is going to do more of the prep work that he decided he probably should have done before getting the plasma cutter. Experience is a phenomenal teacher--especially on a project like this.

I personally would be quite intimidated by a project like this and be unable to move forward due to the intimidation factor. Dan has small episodes of feeling overwhelmed but then is able to break down the large tasks into manageable smaller tasks and get to work. I find that truly amazing.